Hemispherical ASME Code
Usually a Propane market application in a variety of sizes/gauges. These are tanks storing liquids/gases under pressure.
2:1 Elliptical ASME Code
Another style for tanks under medium pressures that can be made from steels of various carbon and stainless grades. The shape is optimum for increasing volume capacity of the tank.
A flanged and dished style tank head for pressure (code) applications without additional volume application preferences. These are produced from a wide variety of steel substrates. The scope of gauges and diameters for this application is very broad unlike the prior two code shapes.
Non-code Tank Head Styles
Standard F&D – flanged and dished style tank head
Tank Head Accessories
ASME Code Elliptical Handholes and Manways
ASME Section VIII Division I UG 11
- Non-Pressure Manhole Frames and Covers – 3.5” or 7” (longneck).
- Reverse Flanged Manhole Frames and Covers – 30” or 36”.
- Drop-Forged Weld Flanges – external product stock that is manufactured in accordance with UL, ASTM and ASME specifications and conform to ASTM A105-80 and/or ASTM A181- 80. All flanges in stock have NPTF threads.
Edge Specifications
Joggled head – up to 72” x .375”
The joggle edge gives superior fit-up and ease of welding from the code joggle design. These applications are excellent for large volume production as well as small lots since the joggle design removes the need for a welding backing strip.
Beveled edge
A variety of dimensions are available in a square edge, inside bevel, outside bevel.